Episode 57 Shownotes - Living as Your Future Self (aka Fake It Til You Make It!)

You are listening to Best Life After Cancer, Episode Number 57. Today we are talking mindset and a technique to help get you in the right headspace.

This podcast is the culmination of a discussion with someone I was coaching, and a discussion with one of my kids. You may know I have 4 boys that are rapidly becoming young men. They ask questions about how we live our lives, differences with how other people live and are learning to forge their own paths. We were recently talking about how different families spend money, how they eat, how they spend their free time. It was interesting, because we look at families we know that are super fit, thin, and spending quality time together often and as often as not, outside doing something cool. We compared this to those we know that are couch potatoes, usually not doing things as a family and not eating a healthy diet. (I admit, we may fall somewhere in the middle – we eat together every night, but my kids do play a fair amount of video...

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