Episode 12 Shownotes - Dealing with Fear or Guilt From Heritable Conditions

You are listening to the Best Life After Cancer podcast with Deborah Butzbach, MD, episode number 12.
Well, hey there, my best lifers. Welcome back to the podcast. How are you? If you’re new here, welcome, welcome, welcome. So glad to have you here.

I have a few things I want to talk to you about. First of all, did you know that I am on Instagram? I am. You should follow me for sure. So just go to BestLifeAfterCancerMD, and you’re going to be able to find me. You should subscribe because there’s good info on there and some good reminders of what you’re working on here, what I’m teaching you, lots of good stuff. So make sure you come find me over there. Super fun – I was more of a Facebook person, and then my kids said I should get on Instagram so they could follow me, and who wants anything more than to have their teenage boys follow them voluntarily, right? And then when I ask a question on there, go ahead and answer me, okay? I’d love to...

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