Episode 15 Shownotes - When People Say the Wrong Things

Hey, my best lifers, and welcome back! I missed this! I feel like 2 weeks is so long between episodes – I may have to rethink this! So – a few housekeeping things first. If you haven’t had a chance to leave a review if you listen on Apple podcasts, that would be awesome. A written review there is worth more than just a rating, so scroll down to the bottom, and leave a written review. That would really be helpful! Second, I have started doing FB lives teaching some of these concepts on the Best Life After Cancer MD FB page, so feel free to come and check it out. It is a place where you can ask questions real time. Love it. At this point, we are wrapping up summer here. We are starting to get the kids ready for school, pushing them to get done their reading, reminding them to finish their math packets. We are lucky – all of our guys are going back at least part time, so that is great. I worry about their mental states, not seeing their friends, not really...

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