Episode 36 Shownotes - Three Reasons We Don't Take Action

You are listening to Best Life After Cancer, Episode Number 36!
Well, hey, my Best Lifers! I hope you are doing well, safe and warm and snug somewhere! We had about 16 inches of snow over the last 2 days, and I am so grateful to have the ability to work from home doing telehealth. Over the weekend, I spent a ton of time just sitting by the window Sunday watching the snow fall and the birds flutter around the feeder while I sipped a hot drink. So perfect, calm and peaceful! Sometimes I wish all days could be like that.

I have been thinking a lot about where I am and where you might be this week. And I realized that maybe I needed to give both myself and all of you a bit of tough love. I have been sliding on my food protocol, which has led to some weight gain recently, after holding steady for most of the pandemic. At the same time, I have had a number of people tell me “I just don’t know how to change where I am” or “I am overwhelmed”. So, I am devoting...

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