Episode 35 Shownotes - Covid-19: Vaccine Information for the Cancer Survivor

You are listening to Best Life After Cancer, Episode 35.


Hey, friends!  If you follow on my Facebook page or group, you know I got my second dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine about 10 days ago (super excieted about that for sure!)  I am amazed that we have been able to get through 10 months with both my husband and I working in medicine, with 4 kids in at least a hybrid school program – my littlest in school full time since September – with no one in the family getting Covid.  It is a testament to the fact that masks work, and kids are capable of being responsible and masking well just like adults are.  I was tested several times over the intervening year, but my kids have not even had a cold!  I have been getting so many questions lately about Covid and the vaccine from my patients lately, and I thought this might be something that people would find really useful. I’d like to take a quick moment first to acknowledge the challenges of...

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Episode 2 Shownotes - The Difference Between Thoughts and CIrucumstances

Hello, and welcome back! This is episode 2 of Living Your Best Life after Cancer. Today we are going to discuss the differences between thoughts and circumstances, and I will talk about a way to think about things that can give you some comfort. But first, did you try the technique of allowing negative emotions from last week? If you missed that one, maybe go and listen to it first, as what I am about to tell you will make SO much more sense. I was thinking after the podcast about one of the places that in the past I have really resisted emotions. As I mentioned last time, I have 4 kids, but what I didn’t mention is that I have a fear of something happening to both me and my husband, leaving them without parents. I also have a huge fear of flying. That may surprise some of the people listening to this who know me, because that fear doesn’t stop us from having epic adventures. I’m sure as we go along, you will hear about one or two of them. But, I digress. When my...

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