Episode 25 Shownotes - What Can You Create with Self Coaching?

You are listening to Best Life After Cancer, Podcast 25.

Hi, My Best Lifers and Welcome Back! Hope you had a great Halloween weekend. We had a trunk or treat for my youngest son's grade, with all of the kids and adults masked, to try to keep everyone a bit safer, and it was fun to chat with the adults around the bonfire, while the kids ran around laughing. Seemed almost normal, despite the steadily rising Covid numbers across the country. We got to see my oldest row in a regatta against one other school, and Miles played his last soccer game in the pouring rain.

It is interesting, in my household, there are varied emotions about Fall. Fall is my husband and two of my sons’ favorite seasons. They love the cooler weather and Football. For me, I have long said that Fall was my least favorite season, and Fall with Covid seems like the worst of the worst. Or is it? How do these thoughts affect my experience in life? This week, I was reading an email from a fellow coach, Simone...

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