Episode 23 Shownotes - Understanding Triple Negative Breast Cancer

You are listening to Best Life After Cancer, Episode 23.

Hi, My Best Lifers and welcome back! I am launching my first weight loss coaching group November first. There is a focus for breast cancer patients, but it is awesome for anyone who has struggled with weight, and just not known why they can’t follow their plan. It is not a medical treatment – I don’t prescribe pills or surgery, I help you figure out what in your brain is keeping you from doing the things you know you need to do to be healthy. I’d love to have you join us. You can get information on my website, Best Life After Cancer under the services section.

In addition to working on that, I am coaching myself into loving fall (it used to be my least favorite season). And it is working! I have been so grateful to see all the beauty around me this fall. I am planning an upcoming podcast about this topic, so stay tuned. This week is the 3rd podcast in breast cancer month, and is by request a medical one...

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