Episode 17 Shownotes - Living Well After Cancer by Improving Strength and Fitness

You are listening to Best Life After Cancer, Episode 17.

Hey, my best lifers, and welcome back! This month we are spending the month focusing on living well. Whether it is during treatment, right after, or 5 years down the road. We can work every day on living our best lives where we are in the moment. The housekeeping first - As always, I am a doctor, but not your doctor, so especially when we are talking about what to do with your body and your health, please use common sense and run any recommendations by your primary team. A review would be awesome. I am trying to get to 100 reviews by Christmas, so give me an early Christmas present, and write one on Itunes.

I am writing this on Labor Day, while I am on call. I have a patient that needs to be emergently started on radiation today, so I am in my department. The process start to finish is not the quickest. While I wait for things like the patient to be transported from the floor, and other parts of the team to do their jobs to...

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Episode 6 Shownotes - Feel Better Now

You are listening to the Best Life After Cancer Podcast, Episode #6.
Hi, and welcome back! This has been a crazy week here, and when I wrote this episode, I thought it was just what was going on in my life. I have recently been diagnosed with kidney stones, and this past week I had a lithotripsy, a procedure where they use sound waves to break up stones in the kidney and ureter. One of the benefits of being in medicine is that getting stuff done is a lot easier and less stressful, but even with that, it still isn’t fun. In NJ, you have to have a COVID test and be shown to be COVID negative for any nonemergent surgical procedure. I have a lot more sympathy for patients getting the test – they stick a qtip up your nose and it feels like they swab your brain. But, I was negative, and got the procedure. I knew all the folks in the OR, from the surgeon, to the anesthetist, to the guy who runs the lithotripter, so it was almost like getting together with a group of friends,...

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