Episode 51 Shownotes - The Math and Science of Weight Loss

Well, hey, my friends.  I did a recent webinar on Weight Gain after Cancer treatment, and people loved it, so I thought I might do a little recap as a podcast in case you missed it.  I am kicking off my next Cancer Weight Loss group in June, and if you are interested in learning more about it, you can get more information in the link in the shownotes or request a minisession on my website, www.bestlifeaftercancer.com to schedule a time to meet with me and discuss if it might be helpful. 


Weight gain is really common after cancer treatment.  There are so many reasons – changes in metabolism, hormonal changes, maybe being less active, or eating to feel better (either physically or emotionally).  Why is weight so important?  There is no fat shaming going on here.  All human bodies are beautiful – we are all created perfectly imperfect.  This is important because obesity increases risk in many cancers.  First, this is...

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Episodes 54 & 55 Shownotes - Science of Fear - Understanding our Brains

You are listening to best life after cancer, episode number 54.  Today we are talking about the science of fear and also something I just learned about, but made SO MUCH sense why people struggle to change their thoughts after cancer.


But first, I am going to tell you a little story from when I was a kid.  We lived out in the country with a stream about a quarter of a mile behind our house.  There were no other kids for miles. so my brother and I hung out a lot, even though he was 6 years younger than me.  At the end of a long winter, there was a day that was that perfect, really warm and beautiful spring day.  My brother and I were outside and headed to the stream.  We had spend time when things were frozen making a tree bridge across it.  We got down to the stream and onto the logs.  I was in the middle, with him right behind me, when I realized there were 3 snakes coiled up at the end of the logs in the sun - likely just emerging...

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Episode 42 Shownotes - Pregnancy after Cancer

Welcome back friends, and welcome to all the new folks! If you are new to the podcast, I’m glad you’re here! This is one of those weeks where I didn’t know ahead of time what I was going to write about, and then I happened to have a minisession with a lovely young woman struggling with fertility decisions after treatment for breast cancer. This topic has been on my list, but not made it to the top, but after speaking with her, I realized the universe was telling me “It’s time”. The discussion with the young woman was so helpful, for me and for her as well. I love to know what people are struggling with so I can tailor what I am doing, and she said the free session helped her and her husband to reframe their discussions, and her to realize that her fear of missing out on the opportunity to grow her family was actually more pressing than her fear of recurrence.

So today, I am talking about pregnancy after cancer in general, and breast cancer...

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